Our Reasons Why: Brabardier

We are thrilled to be back on the track again, and we can’t wait until our New Skater Clinic.

If you are on the fence about joining us, we wanted to share with you why some of us joined derby. So we asked our skaters, both veterans, and new skaters: what made you join, and what is your favorite part of derby?

Next up is #217, Brabardier.

What made you join roller derby?

I wanted to participate in another sport after an injury I obtained while running. For me, derby was another sport that would keep me active. I also like the fact that derby was a contact sport not many girls around the area (or so I thought) would be willing to participate in. I always thought quad skating was awesome!

What is your favorite part about derby?

I love the confidence I have gained with learning new techniques with skating.

How long have you been with Cornfed?

Since March



For more information on how to join Cornfed, check out our New Skater Clinic, which will be held at Gibson’s Skating Arena on Monday, October 24th, from 6:30-9 p.m.

Register for the New Skater Clinic at: https://forms.gle/pyoDMJCs8a9P7tZB8, or by emailing [email protected].

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Our Reasons Why: Daizy Doom
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Our Reasons Why: Boggs