CFDD v. FWDG Open Scrimmage!

187787_610571212291329_114820432_nWe all know you want a SNEAK PEEK of the upcoming 3rd season of Muncie’s very own Cornfed Derby Dames…Now here’s your chance! The Dames are hosting the Ft. Wayne Derby Girls’ B Team in a scrimmage that is open to the public! The scrimmage takes place at Gibson Arena in Muncie on Saturday, March 2, at 10:00am.

Have you ever wondered what roller derby is really like? Thought that you might want to join CFDD as a skater, ref or NSO? Here is your chance to see roller derby in action!

We are asking for a $2 donation to help out with season expenses. Seating is limited, so make sure to bring a lawn chair of your own (or if you are over 18, try out suicide seating and get a front row seat to the action, just watch out for flying derby girls!).

There will be no concession stands, no DJ and no announcers, just a whole lot of derby action!!!

If after the scrimmage you find you have an interest and would like to join the league, Dames, Refs, and NSO’s will be available after the scrimmage to answer your questions! We are recruiting now for Fresh Meat, Refs, and NSO’s. Maybe you have an interest in becoming a volunteer. We can have Dames there to talk to you about that to!

COME ONE COME ALL! See you bright and early! For more information you can email us at


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